Sylvester Stallone -

Today's Wordle hint and answer #828: Monday, September 25

Not having much luck with Wordle today? Don't worry if those winning green letters haven't turned up yet—if you're here then that means you're only a single click away from the answer to today's Wordle. And if you've still got a few rows to spare and would like a little help rather than an instant win, why not take a look at the clue for the September 25 (828) game first?

I almost talked myself out of trying today's answer—it couldn't be that word, could it? All I can say is thank goodness I ignored my doubting self, and don't be afraid to follow up on your own «weird» guesses if you find yourself in a similar position. 

Today's answer can refer to harsh stony terrain—or that long-running series of Sylvester Stallone movies. No, not Rambo: the other one. 

No, there is no double letter in today's puzzle. 

If you've decided to play Wordle but you're not sure where to start, I'll help set you on the path to your first winning streak. Make all your guesses count and become a Wordle winner with these quick tips: 

You're not racing against the clock so there's no reason to rush. In fact, it's not a bad idea to treat the game like a casual newspaper crossword and come back to it later if you're coming up blank. Sometimes stepping away for a while means you can come back with a fresh perspective. 

You might need this. The answer to the September 25 (828) Wordle is ROCKY.

Previous Wordle solutions can help to eliminate guesses for today's Wordle, as the answer isn't likely to be repeated. They can also give you some solid ideas for starting words that keep your daily puzzle-solving fresh.

Here are some recent Wordle answers:

There are six rows of five boxes presented to you by Wordle each day, and you'll need to work out which

Puzzle Racing UPS FIVE boxing rowing 25

Sylvester Stallone

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