Mega Evolution -

I'm Convinced I Know What Pokémon’s Gen 10 Battle Gimmick Will Be

Considering the trend established in past Generations, I believe that I have a firm idea of what the new battle gimmick will be in ’s Gen 10 games. Every new Generation since Gen 6 has introduced a signature transformational gimmick to the franchise, beginning with Mega Evolution, and this trend seems set to continue into future games. But while Gen 10 has yet to be officially announced, it is already clear what its core new battle mechanic will entail.

Speculation is rife over ’s Gen 10 potential features, as the likelihood of the games being released for the Switch 2 opens up a new world of improvements for the franchise. Of course, it must be acknowledged that some details regarding the next games’ setting have leaked, but there will doubtlessly still be plenty of surprises in store for people. On the other hand, the observable patterns in past Generations do also provide some clues about the direction of these new games.

Looking back on past Generations, it is immediately clear that each has focused on a different aspect of a Pokémon’s design and capabilities, providing players with a temporary power-up that introduces new strategic elements. Evolution, Moves, size (and form), and Typing have all been manipulated by one such battle gimmick in successive Generations. With that in mind, there are very few aspects of a Pokémon that have yet to be altered in this way. And to me, the most prominent and likely of these to be the focus of Gen 10 is a Pokémon’s Ability.

Pokémon's gym leaders have always stuck to using a single type, but how would having dual-typings work in Generation 10?

It is fair to say that the right Ability can be the difference between a Pokémon being competitively viable or utterly helpless against a prepared opponent. There are many Pokémon that rely on their Abilities to battle effectively, and members of most species can have one of two regular abilities or a Hidden Ability. This alone offers a significant degree of variation in a Pokémon’s

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