Today, New World: Aeternum hit television screens as part of the launch of Secret Level, the new adult animation anthology series featuring IP from beloved video games on Prime Video, created by Amazon MGM Studios and Blur Studio. The episode titled “The Once and Future King” follows the journey of Aelstrom, a conquering king, voiced by Arnold Schwarzenegger, who washes ashore on a mysterious island with no army and no clue, and may need an eternity to find his purpose.
Players of New World: Aeternum who are Prime members can log in today to claim the free in-game “Aelstrom’s Cache” from Prime Gaming, which includes the complete Corrupted King armor and Great Axe weapon skin.
New World: Aeternum, developed and published by Amazon Games, launched on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S on October 15, 2024 and currently has a Free Trial available for console players. Check out our interview with Tim Miller , co-founder of CG animation powerhouse Blur Studio, for his exclusive insights behind the show’s New World Aeternum episode.
New World
Arnold Schwarzenegger