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Saturn’s moon Titan has an ocean! Is it habitable? Check what researchers said

Our solar system is full of secrets that are yet to be discovered. While astronomers and space agencies are hard at work studying the universe, the findings from these missions are put under the scanner by researchers to develop possible theories and find whether there is any chance of life existing on these planets if water is present there. Now, researchers have made a disappointing finding. They have reported that Saturn's moon Titan is quite uninhabitable despite being called an ocean moon. Researchers claim that the moon does not have the right organic chemistry which is required to support life. Know why Saturn's moon Titan cannot support life.

According to astrobiological research (via, Saturn's largest moon, Titan which is also known as an ocean moon, is not capable of supporting life due to its improper organic chemistry. The moon is known for its petrochemical atmosphere which contains various organic molecules including carbon-containing compounds on its surface, yet the planet cannot support life due to its extremely cold weather. According to reports Titan's surface has a temperature of –179 degrees Celsius and in such a cold place life will not grow.

It is expected that the moon contains a huge underground liquid ocean where the temperature is expected to be warmer than the outer surface. Liquid ocean is on Earth too and there is life. The same is the case with Titan? A planetary scientist, Catherine Neish of Western University in Ontario says that Titan's ocean is not habitable. Neish said, "...even in this most optimistic scenario, there is not enough organics moving into Titan's ocean to support life there.”

Researchers also said that studying such icy moons directly is challenging, but Neish is hopeful about NASA's Dragonfly mission to Titan producing much better data to build a more concrete theory.

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