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Easiest Trading Post Tasks to Complete the Traveler's Log - April 2024

Here are the easiest Trading Post tasks to complete the Traveler's log for April 2024 to earn the Aura battle pet and your Trader's Tender!

Trading Post OverviewApril 2024 RewardsApril 2024 Traveler's Log Activities

April's Easiest Trading Post Challenges

April begins with Noblegarden, and a whopping 650 Points can be earned just through this festival alone. What's more, an extra 150 Points can be made by combining some other tasks with the festival ones, so we strongly suggest using Noblegarden for the bulk of this month's travel log.

Noblegarden: Complete the Duck Storyline — 50 Points

  • The Duck Storyline begins with the quest What the Duck? which can be picked up from Zinnia Brooks in Goldshire for the Alliance and Sylnaria Fareflame in Razor Hill for the Horde.

Noblegarden: Defeat Daetan Swiftplume — 50 Points

  • Daetan Swiftplume is the new Noblegarden boss who can be summoned at a Large Duck Nest, which Horde can find in Durotar at /way #1 44.5 35.1, and Alliance can find in Elwynn Forest at /way #37 30.2 91.4. To summon him, you need to find a giant golden egg that appears in the area and drag it to the nest. Thankfully, you do not need to be the one to summon him to complete this task.

Noblegarden: Place Eggs — 50 Points

  • Requires placing 12 Intricately-Painted Eggs or 1 Magnificently-Painted Egg. These eggs can be bought from Noblegarden Vendors and placed outside of normal egg-hunting zones.

Noblegarden: Complete a Follower Dragonflight Dungeon While Wearing Spring Reveler's Collection — 100 Points Total

  • Combine 2 tasks for double the points.
  • The Noblegarden Task: Complete a Dragonflight Dungeon while wearing any Spring Reveler's item. Relevant items can be purchased from the Trading Post (at the time of testing, you can purchase the item, use it for this task, then refund it afterwards), and are possible rewards from the Loot-Filled Basket, which is rewarded from the Feathered Fiend / Feathered Fiend daily. Rewards 50 Points.
  • The
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