Bandai Namco has announced One Piece Odyssey, a new JRPG set in the world of the long-running and popular manga series and developers by Ilca. Featuring new character and monster designs produced by One Piece author Eiichiro Oda, the game stars you as Straw Hats pirate captain Monkey D. Luffy and takes place on a mysterious island.
With the Straw Hats crew stranded and separated from each other by powerful enemies and the island's hostile wildlife, Luffy will need to embark on a new quest to reunite with his team. In addition to playing as Luffy and wielding the rubbery powers granted to him by his Devil Fruit, you'll also be able to play as Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Frankie, and Brook during the course of the game.
«I have been thinking that one of the most fascinating points of One Piece is the adventure,» main producer Katsuaki Tsuzuki said in a video interview. «I thought that a JRPG project offering a One Piece adventure experience like never before would be very interesting. We asked Oda for his advice, and he designed the characters and monsters to vitalize the in-game One Piece world.
According to Tsuzuki this One Piece game had a lengthy development time and will also feature the music of Dark Souls composer Motoi Sakuraba. In a written message by Oda, the mangaka remarked about how it had been three years already since he helped design characters for the game.
There's been no shortage of One Piece video games over the years, and if you have an Xbox Game Pass subscription you can grab One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 off of the service. Over on Netflix, the streaming giant is busy working on a live-action One Piece adaptation and has already assembled most of the Star Hats pirates crew. Inaki Godoy