JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle R is the hotly-anticipated HD re-release of a cult-classic fighting game based on Hirohiko Araki's beloved manga and anime. The game pits more than fifty fan favorites from the franchise's nearly 35-year history in unique one-on-one battles in distinct arenas.
Anyone with even a passing interest in Araki's long-running opus knows that the franchise comes in parts. With the conclusion of Part Eight last year, the game had a ton of material to pull from. Each JoJo part could be a fresh story, and with new parts often come unique combat systems.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle R adapts characters and narrative elements from Phantom Blood all the way through to JoJolion. Characters from different parts often handle fight scenes much differently, resulting in many unique types.
As fans would guess, the vast majority of characters in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle R use the Stand style. These characters use the trademark floating spirits to access a massive variety of unique powers.
From traditional "punch ghosts" like Jotaro's Star Platinum and Dio's The World, to more bizarre picks like Narancia's Aerosmith, Stands cover a lot. Almost every character from any part beyond Stardust Crusaders uses a Stand.
Before Araki came up with Stands, JoJo communicated its fight scenes through the mystical inner energy known as Hamon. Known in English as The Ripple, this power is wielded by mighty martial artists to slay vampires.
Ripple-style characters don't have a Stand to call out and fight alongside them. Instead, they charge their attacks with the distinct glowing energy that defines their fighting style. Johnathan, Will and Caesar Zepelli, Lisa Lisa, and both versions of