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01.11 / 09:33
Earth Asteroids This huge 4921-foot HIDDEN asteroid can HIT Earth, study warns of danger to humanity
The various telescopes on Earth and on satellites orbiting the Earth have discovered more than 20,000 near-Earth objects (NEOs), which could someday in future hit our planet. But when it comes to discovering asteroids roaming completely within Earth's orbit, our record is very poor. So far, we have only discovered 25 such asteroids. The reason behind it is that the glare of the Sun stops modern telescopes from fully gazing around the sky to find out asteroids that can be lethal to our planet. A study has recently discovered one such space rock and by its claims, it is the largest potentially hazardous asteroid to be discovered in the last eight years with a width of 1.5 kilometers (4921-foot asteroid, approximately). And what's concerning is that it can strike the Earth one day.