Star-studded skull! NASA shares hair-raising image of Rosette Nebula taken by Chandra Observatory
Have you seen a star-studded image which resembles a human skull? If not, here is your chance. NASA has shared an image on its Instagram account showing a portion of the Rosette Nebula, which at first glance resembles a skull. It can be known that the Rosette Nebula has been named for its rose-shaped arrangement, and lies about 5000 light-years from Earth. Sharing the image NASA wrote, "Although this star-studded image may first resemble a skull, it is little more than a trick of the eye. Actually, this @nasachandraxray (Chandra X-ray Observatory) composite image shows a portion of the Rosette Nebula, named for its rose-shaped arrangement, which lies about 5,000 light-years from Earth."