Final Fantasy hasn't always had the best luck when it comes to big screen adaptations, but the series' producer and director of the original Final Fantasy 7 still hopes that someone can do it justice with another movie.
Video game movie adaptations are all the rage right now. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is tearing it up in theatres. The Super Mario Bros.
Movie made serious bank for Nintendo. And everything from The Legend of Zelda to Helldivers is getting the blockbuster treatment as we speak.
So it seems like the idea has been on Final Fantasy producer Yoshinori Kitase's mind, too. When asked about the possibility of a movie adaptation in a chat with Danny Peña, Kitase says that Square Enix "don't have anything officially planned" and "no talks have been had" with filmmaking talent, per a translator.
But he's still "seen and heard about various Hollywood directors and actors playing Final Fantasy 7, and many creators respect the title." The streets also apparently say that at least a few filmmakers want to take on the challenge of making a movie based on Cloud and Co's adventures. "I've been hearing things about creators out there who are very interested in the property who love the Final Fantasy 7 universe," Kitase continues. "And so, yeah, personally, I would love to see something come out of these creators in terms of a cinematic or some kind of visual piece." Square Enix has, of course, dipped its toes into these waters before.