has continued to add new Pokémon to the game for players to catch, but many are still missing nearly 10 years after launch.
Since 2016, has added new generations of Pokémon into the game regularly, but remains behind the main series of games and the anime.
Each generation introduced in is released in stages, normally with the starter Pokémon of that generation, along with other common spawns from the series.
Other times, through events, more Pokémon are added into the game. While the early generations are nearly all complete in 2025, the later ones have a large number of Pokémon yet to be included. Here are all the Pokémon not yet in from generations that have been introduced. Generation Pokémon Not Released Sinnoh (Gen IV) Kalos (Gen VI) Alola (Gen VII) Galar (Gen VIII) 49 Unreleased Pokémon Hisui Paldea (Gen IX) 76 Unreleased Pokémon In total, if players have caught every Pokémon that has been released in you will have 883 in your Pokédex. However, there are still 142 Pokémon from the generations that have been introduced to the game which have still not been added.
All the Pokémon from the first three generations have now been released at some point for Trainers to capture, even if they are not currently available.