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Today's Wordle answer for Thursday, December 26

The answer to today's Wordle is only a quick click or scroll away now you're here, ready to either save your game at the very last moment, or just cut straight to a satisfying line of green letters.

Of course you may prefer to take your time, but still get a little help if you need it. That's where our hint for the December 26 (1286) game comes in.

It'll point you in the right direction, but still give you enough room to shine. I could've sworn the green letters… heck, every letter was hiding from me today.

No matter what I tried I just seemed to turn up more greys. It turned out for the best in the end though, the answer not so much revealed but more the only possible word left I hadn't tried.

Phew. You'd do this if you were attaching or sticking a little extra onto something else, like a pin on a shirt, or a stamp on an envelope.

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