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Today's Wordle answer for Saturday, December 28

Get your first Wordle of the weekend off to a flying start with a quick peek at today's hint. It's been written especially for Saturday's puzzle, and is meant to give you a bit of something useful to work with, while still leaving the fun letter searching up to you.

And if you need more help, the answer to the December 28 (1288) game's only a click away. Wow, that was tough. No matter what I tried, today's answer seemed to keep slipping away.

Oh sure I had some yellow letters around to help, but they didn't want to turn green, and nothing else was in a rush to help.

I'm relieved my final guess worked out for me, but I really wish I'd got there sooner. This word's all about expressing a negative opinion, whether spoken out loud in a meeting or written up in a newspaper.

You could do this publicly to denounce bad company practices, or point out the flaws in a proposed ruling. There are no double letters in today's Wordle.

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