Mattias Lilja CEO fun wellness Life By You rights Mattias Lilja

The Sims rival Life By You cancelled by Paradox

Last month, Paradox Interactive announced that it was going to indefinitely delay its Sims competitor Life By You, and now the publisher has gone a step further by cancelling the project outright.

Mattias Lilja, Deputy CEO of Paradox Interactive, released a statement as to why Life By You has been cancelled, with the key points being an uncertain development timeframe, a failure to meet expectations, and the game not delivering in important areas.In the statement, Mattias Lilja said, “Sadly, we’ve decided to cancel the release of our long-awaited life sim Life by You.

This was an incredibly difficult call to make and is a clear failure on Paradox’s part to meet both our own and the community’s expectations.

We realize this raises some large questions; here we hope to shed at least some light on why we opted to cancel, rather than delay as we communicated earlier.

Life by You has been in the works for a long time and we’ve been very excited about the promise and the potential of this game.

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