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The Legend Of Zelda Might Repeat a Pointless 22-Year-Old Controversy On Switch 2

series could face similar controversy on the Switch 2 as it did with the GameCube years before. A new entry on the Switch 2 will cause huge excitement in the fanbase as the arrival of more powerful hardware comes with untold possibilities.

While many fans will be looking forward to how the developers take advantage of the new hardware for the scale and gameplay of a future title, some may also place importance on how a new entry will take advantage of the Switch 2's graphical capabilities.

Although the series is known for its many groundbreaking titles, it's often more concerned with reinventing gameplay staples rather than its graphical achievements.

Many games often forego realism in favor of a more distinct art style that hasn't always sat well with fans. Of course, with the Switch 2 around the corner, the next game has a chance to avoid the same controversy the series found itself in with a certain game years before.

However, such a move could end up hindering future games as a result. It's safe to say that 's release in 2003 was not what fans were expecting, especially considering what Nintendo originally promised.

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