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@colonelkilgore Depending on when and what sort times you are planning on attempting it I might be able to assist. I got it to play with my brother but only ending up doing one session so ended up playing it solo with bots.

I managed to get all trophies except for the two highest difficulty ones with bots. Also they did an update right when I was finishing what I could achieve that started giving away the mod cards for free which could help make it a bit easier than it originally was.

So if still need someone when you get to it drop me a message. I’d accepted I got what I could from it but It would be cool to get those last few trophies. @BearsEatBeets okay mate thats sound.

Not sure exactly when we’ll be starting it but probably in the new year-ish I’d imagine. Will be good to have an experienced head about to show us the ropes

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