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Nvidia has built a free AI-led platform to help teach America Sign Language with '400,000 video clips representing 1,000 signed words' so far


If you've been meaning to learn American Sign Language (ASL), or just want to brush up on your vocabulary, Nvidia has announced a free new tool, alongside the American Society for Deaf Children and agency Hello Monday, that harnesses AI to teach prospective users how to speak.

Announced in the Nvidia Blog, this new tool's announcement post laments the fact that, despite being the «third most prevalent language in the United States», AI tools aren't as prominently teaching Americans ASL as they are English and Spanish.

Signs, Nvidia's new ASL learning platform, uses footage from your webcam to correct or instruct you on your sign language. Notably, you can't currently use Signs without allowing it access to your webcam.

This is because the app directly gives you feedback on how you sign and how to be clearer in the way you move your hands. As of right now, Nvidia has access to a database of «400,000 video clips representing 1,000 signed words», which is then validated by ASL speakers.

Effectively, Nvidia's AI is used to interpret signs, categorise them, and then pass them on to real-life users who can validate findings.

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