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Grand Theft Hamlet comes to MUBI – There’s something rotten in the city of Vinewood

Sometimes you hear of a project that is so preposterous that you immediately dismiss it as it is never, ever going to come to fruition.

I am not talking about climbing Everest or cycling around the globe – we know those can be achieved – I am talking about performing all of Shakespeare’s Hamlet in Grand Theft Auto Online.

That barmy idea has made its way all the way through to now being available to stream on MUBI!How did this come about, though?

As we entered the third Covid lockdown in January 2021, two out-of-work theatre actors Sam and Mark joined millions of others online and played video games, specifically Grand Theft Auto Online.

While exploring the map they stumbled across the Vinewood Bowl, a huge outdoor amphitheatre, and this backdrop planted an idea in their heads.

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