Fans of Paramount+’s Landman are eagerly awaiting news about the show’s future. Set in West Texas, the series chronicles the life of an ambitious executive navigating the high-stakes oil industry, where roughnecks and billionaires collide.
After its strong ratings, viewers are eager to learn whether Landman will return for Season 2 or if its journey has come to an end.
Here’s the latest update on Landman Season 2. There has been no official announcement from the show’s creators or Paramount+ regarding the renewal or cancellation of Landman.
In the meantime, fans are encouraged to catch up on the series, available for streaming on Paramount+. Watching and engaging with the show could help boost its prospects for renewal.
Demi Moore, who portrays Cami Miller, hinted at a potential second season during an interview with Deadline at the Cannes Film Festival.