Over the Christmas break, I took a brief hiatus from reporting on every time a Total War developer breathes or spills tea on their shirt.
The year ended, the world did not, and no Thanquol DLC was announced, but I did miss what I reckon is the strongest hint they’ve yet freely given that strategy game Total War: Warhammer 40,000 is both real and due an announcement very soon.
Here’s the skinny. (I want to use the phrase "here’s the skinny" more. I also want one of those little hats with the band for the card that says ‘press’ on it.
These aren’t the same as ‘pressman’s hats’, which were made out of folded newspaper to protect print workers from detritus. Here’s some instructions on how to make one.
I wonder what the online media equivalent is? Tinfoil lined with redundancy letters, probably. Speaking of tinfoil…) If a future Total War game, thematically, requires blood then we will include it within the base game without the need for a separate purchase.