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Fallout’s Oddest Cut Content Could Have Made The Games Completely Different


The games are known for being weird and for having things that stand out due to the radiation effects, however, it did not get as weird as it could have.

Instead, there was one big cut in the first game that led to the franchise being much different than it could have been. This cut content is something that hasn’t been seen in many other places in the franchise, and it makes for an interesting part of history.

The history of is strange enough as it is, but a different bit of content could have made it even weirder. The world is already full of Ghouls, Mole Rats, and Super Mutants that players must find and face.

However, despite the strangeness of the world, it remains fairly serious, and the tone can become quite dark at times.

One change alone could have made that tone very different. S’Lanter were creatures that were originally supposed to be in the first Fallout game.

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