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Checking in with Fabledom Article

How do you feel about revisiting previously played games? I love to revisit family all the time. Video games though, are a little different.

I am straightforward when it comes to how I tackle a game. I like to play and see it to my personal conclusion, whether that is beating the game, or often giving up and forgetting about it.

I do that plenty with games I am not reviewing; it is always the games I purchased that get ignored most. When I first tried out Fabledom, it was as a preview for Gaming Nexus.

Since then about a year has come and gone, and Fabledom has grown. I recently had the chance to return to and see how development finished.

Turns out, the path it was on was made with care and support. Lucky for me, the story in Fabledom hasn’t changed much at all.

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