Smite -

Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 8 testers are whispering that a previously mediocre subclass is now an S-tier war god of infinite thunder smites, but there's no way it can last

Baldur's Gate 3's upcoming deluge of new subclasses is practically as exciting as all the entirely new games we're about to get in February, and we're starting to get reports trickling in from loose-lipped Patch 8 stress testers about how those new subclasses work in action. One thing that really stands out to me among the r/BG3builds scuttlebut is the complete 180 Eldritch Knights have made.

The previously «just okay» Fighter multiclass is looking to be completely overpowered if Patch 8 goes live as currently structured, but there's reason to believe the interaction making them go crazy will be nerfed before the patch's full release. This new hotness mostly relies on pre-existing mechanics, with the specific implementation of a new spell being what throws things into disarray:

In tabletop, Booming Blade uses up your entire action for a round to cast, even if you have Extra Attack or its upgraded variation. In the BG3 Patch 8 stress test though, you can Extra Attack with Booming Blade, which will also trigger Eldritch Knight's War Magic. At higher levels, Booming Blade's BG3 incarnation does at least 1d8 thunder damage according to a screenshot from user _Veni_Vidi_Vigo⁠—if tabletop progression holds, that should be up to 2d8 damage by the end of the game.

That means Eldritch Knights get the equivalent of Paladin's first level Divine Smite without expending any resources, while also getting a crispy four attacks per round before adding in effects like Haste⁠—that's a level of attacks per round usually reserved for specific dual wielding builds.

This would certainly be a fun build to run, but it just seems way too good, like «homebrew cheat mod» good. As it stands currently, Eldritch Knight would be a tank and damage dealer that completely outclasses everything else in the game, with no sacrifice, drawbacks, planning, or equipment restrictions. Add in a one level dip of the new Hexblade subclass and you're also an effective party face too. PCG staff writer Harvey

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Ted Litchfield

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