Former Bayonetta series director Hideki Kamiya has stated that he would love to do a remake of his older projects, including the first Devil May Cry and Viewtiful Joe games. Hideki Kamiya was first hired by Capcom as a designer for various projects, one of them being Resident Evil 2. After RE2's monumental success, Kamiya would continue directing games at Capcom, which included the first Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe, and Okami. Kamiya then formed PlatinumGames alongside Atsushi Inaba and Shinji Mikami, which led to the creation of Devil May Cry's successor series, Bayonetta.
After a 15-year tenure at PlatinumGames, Kamiya announced his departure from the studio, which shocked many fans. While he isn't retiring from the industry, he's unable to work on games for a year, per his contract. After his departure from Platinum, Kamiya started up a new YouTube channel in order to interact with his fans. One of his most recent videos has him answering fans' questions, including one regarding a possible remake of his old projects.
In the video «Kamiya Responds to Your Comments! Part 5,» one of the first comments asked about a possible Devil May Cry 1 remake using Capcom's proprietary RE Engine, even stating that if Kamiya directed it, it would be the «definitive character action game.» Kamiya admits that the idea is tantalizing, stating that he sometimes «dreams» of what remakes of games he previously worked on would look like in the modern day. Some of the games he had dreamed of in this way include Devil May Cry 1, Bayonetta, and Viewtiful Joe.
Kamiya then acknowledges that while there are HD ports of games like Okami and Devil May Cry 1 on modern systems now, he would love to remake these games with up-to-date graphics and a «more sophisticated» game design by today's standards. Kamiya has expressed his desire to make anotherOkami and Viewtiful Joe game before, commenting about how he felt that he left Okami «unfinished» and wants to do a third game for Viewtiful Joe, even
Platinum Games
Hideki Kamiya
Re Engine