Peggy Carter -

Rory Culkin Joins Season 6 of Black Mirror

Black Mirror, the former UK darling which quickly found itself under Netflix’s burgeoning banner of productions has remained the true successor to classic anthology series like The Twilight Zone (which is a loss to Jordan Peele whose rebooted series may have the name but not half the oomph.) Deadline is reporting that Rory Culkin to be one of the upcoming stars of the series—the last season of which featured everyone from Anthony Mackey to Miley Cyrus—and it’s a great choice.

The sixth season of the Charlie Brooker production is currently underway, one of a handful of projects under his new shingle Broke & Bones, and fans have a lot to look forward to based on the casting announcements—and putting in one of the most genre-savvy members of the Culkin clan isn’t bad.

Related: White Bear Remains One Of Black Mirror’s Most Innovative Episodes

Black Mirror has long held up a, well, mirror up to society’s obsession with current technology and social media trends offering everything from cyber-stalking run amok to obsessive use of technological implants to a black and white 1950s B-movie style horror story about those Boston Dynamics robot dogs being used to hunt human beings down in the future (that recent news stories have shown those dogs armed really confirms just how terrifyingly prescient Black Mirror is and remains). It’s also been an actors’ showcase for a slew of stars-to-be and megastars already. Haley Atwell was in the series before Peggy Carter cemented her in the MCU and Jon Hamm was on it at the height of his Mad Men success.

It's also made brilliant casting choice. The last season alone saw Anthony Mackey inverting his image shortly before he became the new Captain America to explore his sexuality while Miley Cyrus,

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Peggy Carter Jon Hamm Charlie Brooker

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