Geoff Keighley -

Nintendo Direct Covering Switch Games Coming in the Back Half of 2024 Drops Tomorrow

The June “Not E3” season has almost come to a close, following big shows from Geoff Keighley, Xbox, PlayStation, and more, but one more straggler still has to show us their wares – Nintendo. Switch owners have been eagerly awaiting a Nintendo showcase of some sort, with rumors flying one would be arriving soon, but the company itself has remained mum on the prospect. Well, today Nintendo finally lifted their veil of silence, announcing a Nintendo Direct for tomorrow, June 18.

Nintendo has specified that the show will focus on games coming out in the back half of 2024, and will run around 40 minutes long, making it fairly meaty by Nintendo Direct standards. What we won’t see is any information about Nintendo’s successor to the Switch – that’s likely coming later in the year or possibly even in early 2025.

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“Join us for a Nintendo Direct livestream focused on Nintendo Switch games coming in the second half of 2024! There will be no mention of the Nintendo Switch successor during this presentation.”

As for what might be shown during the Nintendo Direct, as always with the company, it’s hard to say, but we can do some educated guessing. It seems quite likely we’ll finally get a first real glimpse of Metroid Prime 4, as I suspect that will be the Switch’s final big holiday game before Nintendo moves on to new hardware. There have also been various rumors of Zelda remakes and remasters floating around, and even talk that Star Fox may be coming back in some form.

The Nintendo Direct goes down tomorrow (June 18) at 10am ET. So, excited to see what Nintendo has been cooking up? What do you hope to see? Personally, I would temper expectations somewhat – again, the original Switch only has about half a year still in the spotlight, so there’s only so much they can announce for it. Still, as long as we finally see Metroid Prime 4, I’m happy.

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