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MMO Friday Fight Round 8: Open-World Events Vs. Raiding

When it comes to end-game content, there are usually two options for large groups. In one corner are open-world events, giving players instant access to intense PvE and PvP action. In the other corner is raiding with its large group coordination and dedication to mastering the most challenging boss encounters MMORPGs have to offer. Both types of large-scale content are integral components of an MMO that keep you returning day after day, month after month. 

But, just like every Friday Fight, in the battle of large-scale content, there can be only one winner. So be sure to throw in your two cents and let us know which is better: open-world events or raiding?

Open-World Events

Nothing says massive quite like an open-world event, so it’s easy to understand why many MMORPGs and their players have embraced these types of open-world activities. Whether you are camping world bosses, joining a zerg in realm vs. realm PvP, partaking in dynamic events, or joining in on one of the world's largest PvP battles in Eve Online, open-world events pull in the largest crowds you’ll find in any MMO.

One of the main allures of open-world events is the camaraderie you get when you group up with dozens of other players. Many veteran MMOers get a gleam in their eyes when they retell stories of the friendships created while camping boss spawns in Everquest or grouping up for large-scale PvP in DAoC. And even if you’re just leveling up by doing FATES in FFXIV, the large groups give a sense of community you can’t find in solo or small-group content.

The other reason so many players love open-world events is the ease of entry. Raiding requires a considerable time commitment to get your character to max level, grind out a decent set of “entry-level” raid gear, and then you still have to learn the boss mechanics for each raid. Open-world events are much more casual. Just show up with whatever gear you have and pitch in to complete whatever goal is put in front of you. In a matter of minutes, you


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