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Sky Oceans: Wings for Hire Review

Sky Oceans: Wings for Hire promises a lot, giving impressions of an open sky to fly through, putting together a crew, and going on a lot of adventures. Unfortunately, the reality is that Sky Oceans: Wings for Hire wasn’t yet ready to set sail, with issues galore that just compounded until I had to throw in the proverbial towel around what felt like the halfway point.

The story of Sky Oceans: Wings for Hire follows Glenn Windwalker, the latest in the line of adventurers from the Windwalker family. The story starts with his mum returning from an adventure alone, with Glenn’s father nowhere to be seen. Some time passes, and whatever business Glenn’s parents got involved with catches up with them when their home of Blossom is attacked by the Alliance. Glenn ends up escaping with some of his buddies and vows revenge against the Alliance. It’s all very by the numbers, to be honest. Later on, more factions make themselves known, but by then the problems of Sky Oceans: Wings for Hire have compounded into a rather boring mess.

For much of the game you will be flying through the skies of Sky Ocean in either a small airjet or a big airship, depending on the environment. The airjets are used to explore the few floating islands and outposts dotted about and used in combat against other airships and flying beasts. The big airship is used to fight the bigger pirate and alliance ships that are all sitting in place across the Sky Ocean.

For what should be an ocean filled with hustle and bustle of other adventurers, traders and more, it feels strange that only your ship is moving through it. It also suffers from lacking draw distances and other issues. This sky ocean has lots of floating lands that appears via pop in or form right in front of you. In the basement region, the island artifacts just did not render properly, constantly appearing and disappearing. One of the areas you’ll find in each region is a hunting zone to gather resources from the flying beasts and they may even have

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