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Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake: How To Get The Sword of Kings

Forging the Sword of Kings is a multi-stage task that requires in-depth exploration of the , but can reward you with one of the best weapons in the game. As the lore has it, the Sword of Kings was once kept under lock and key in Tantegel, but was eventually liberated by one of 's chief antagonists (whom I won't spoil here). That villain eventually destroyed the Sword of Kings so it couldn't be used against him, but your hero can set out to forge a new one.

In order to do so, you'll need to collect disparate parts from around 's map, then bring them back to a skilled smith to put it all together. Once that's all done, though, you'll have access to what may be the best sword in the game (at least until after the main story is over). Here's how you can put it together.

You'll first find a blacksmith capable of reforging the Sword of Kings in Kol, working the counter at the town's item shop. He'll go on a brief monologue about how his life has lost all meaning: he used to be a master blacksmith, but he misplaced his hammer when he had to leave Jipang. Consider that your first clue, and Zoom/travel over to the island of Jipang to start your search.

The Thief's Key is an important item that allows you to open all red doors in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake, so it is something you should find quickly.

In the town of Jipang, you'll want to find the blacksmith's house, which is the northwesternmost building on the map. If you need a landmark, find a well in the center of Jipang, just west of the town's church. To the left of that well is the blacksmith's old house, where you'll find his missing tools. If you're having trouble locating his house in this town, just ask around. There's an NPC standing outside, who'll mention that a talented smith used to live here.

Simply walk inside the blacksmith's old house and grab the hammer, which is located inside a jar in the lower-left corner of the screen. It's sparkling pretty brightly, so it's hard to miss. Before you return to Kol and

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