The numbers for competitive play show that climbing the ranks higher than the metal tiers is not as simple as some make it seem.
The title launched into the world back in December 2024, and several fans began taking part in ranked matches the moment they went live.
Some players make it seem as though climbing high into Diamond or Grandmaster is as easy as can be, but realistically, the numbers show that is not the case.
A recent Reddit post from dudemanlikedude states, "The user then goes on to cite that the data shown does not include idle accounts or players who have never played ranked, and those who claim reaching the highest ranks in is relatively easy are not «average» players. The post goes on to state that the claims about how easy it is to get to Diamond rank are completely fictional, as even «above average» players are getting trapped within Silver and Gold ranks.
The original poster goes on to say, Players who indulge in all the content claiming that being «stuck» means they are bad have learned to dislike the game, rather thantaking the competitive play for what it is; a gamble.