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The world's first fully functional 32-bit bendy CPU can run while wrapped around a straw, but boy is it slow

While bendy, flexible screens have been demonstrated for a while now (with a fair few drawbacks, I might add), most of the components inside our devices have so far remained stiff as a board.

This RISC-V processor, however, bucks that trend by being as bendy as a professional gymnast at a yoga class, even while it's running.

Pragmatic Semiconductor has published a blog announcing the hyper-flexible chip, which it says is the «world's first 32-bit microprocessor in a flexible technology that is fully functional while flexed» (via Tom's Hardware).

A bit of a mouthful that—may I suggest something more catchy, like «The world's first 32-bit bendy boi»? Anyways, moving on.

The Flex-RV isn't your traditional silicon-based chip. According to the accompanying paper, it's been fabricated with indium gallium zinc oxide thin-film transistors on a flexible polyimide substrate in order to make such a flexible computational device, and I wouldn't blame you if your eyes crossed while reading that sentence.

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