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Some 30 hours into Xenoblade 2. I believe roughly half way through the available chapters. I still have no idea if I like this game or not.

I like its combat more than 3, the gacha system is weird but I actually quite like the excitement of getting the named Blades, while it is in someways a more generic JRPG, I think this story works much better in the context of what Nintendo will allow you to show, I also think it is significantly better paced than 3 was and far more coherent, as well.

However, I sorta don’t like… anything else? Quest navigation might be some of the worst I have ever experienced in any game.

The quest compass thing is utterly useless, and the maps are not designed for you to be able to organically find where you need to go with so little guidance.

I have like four pages of side content that all do not have quest markers, they just give you a vague area of a map and tell you to figure it out.

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