Several hidden Achievements for is associated with side quests in explorable areas and one of the main ones, attached to the Grey Wardens faction and Antoine and Evka's side quests, is calledIn Peace.
To unlock this Achievement, Rook must face Despair Undying, a Despair Demon boss that can only be found by backtracking to the site of a main story battle while exploring and completing side quests in the region.
Despair Undying is an easy boss to miss, and it is unique among other Despair Demons and bosses in because it cannot be defeated in combat alone.
Rather than fighting, Rook must find a way to restore peace and hope. Here's how to permanently defeat Despair Undying and unlock the In Peace achievement in .
Despair, Undying can be found in the Hossberg Wetlands in. It only appears after the main quest, Fire and Ice, has been completed and can be found in the Blighted Shallows region south of the Hossberg Wetlands.