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Wordle: Hints, Clues, and Answer for Today’s Wordle | May 15, 2023

With so many words to choose from, having a few hints and clues can be a great help for players struggling with today’s Wordle. Whether you want a nudge in the right direction or just a straight-up answer, this guide will do that for you. This guide will provide you with several clues and hints as well as the answer for today’s Wordle #695 on May 15, 2023.

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Wordle is the daily word puzzle game that gives players a new 5 letter word to figure out every single day! When you enter an incorrect word, the game will tell which parts of the word you enter are part of the answer. If the box of a letter is turned gray after you enter your answer, it means that letter is not in the word at all. If the box turns yellow, the letter in that box is present within the word but is in the wrong spot, and if the letter’s box becomes green, that means both the letter and its placement is correct for the word.

While not having its own standalone app, you can play Wordle with the New York Times Crossword app along with many other word-based puzzles as well as on the official NYT Wordle browser page, linked here.

Each day we will provide 5 hints and clues for the Wordle of the day, including telling readers many consonants and vowels are in the word. The first clue will always be this clue, so if you only want the vowels and consonants or want every other clue except that one, you can look at the clues as you see fit. If you wish just to see today’s answer for Wordle, scroll down to the next section.

Here are the hints and clues for Wordle #695 on May 15, 2023.


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