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What are Contacts in Gotham Knights?

In Gotham Knights, the Bat Family aren’t the only people that care about Gotham City. There are many other important NPCs and characters that DC Comics fans will undoubtedly remember who are willing to aid players in their quest to save Gotham.

With regards to actual gameplay, these Contacts will offer challenges and missions for players to tackle, offering useful rewards to the various members of the Bat Family. Who are these contacts though, and what do they want from you?

Throughout the course of Gotham Knights' gameplay, players will encounter a number of Contacts. Generally, these characters will reach out to the Bat Family seeking help in dealing with a number of threats present all over Gotham City.

For long-time Batman fans, some of these characters will definitely be familiar and will show up throughout the course of the storyline, providing tasks for gamers to take on.

The first contact that players will meet is one of the few cops left in Gotham City that isn’t corrupt or on the take. Detective Montoya worked closely with former Commissioner Jim Gordon and currently serves a similar role to that of the game's protagonists.

Lucius Fox, previously with Wayne Enterprises, now runs Foxteca. He still provides tech support to the Bat Family, offering new technology to help them fight crime in Gotham Knights. Next on the list is Dr. Jada Thompkins, whose mother, Leslie Thompkins, once worked directly with Batman.

When it came to medical situations, she was second to none in the fight against evil in Gotham City. The Penguin, who has allegedly gone legit in Gotham Knights, frequently offers useful information to the Bat Family. The information he offers generally involves crimes occurring in the area. Whether or not this

PC Games 2022 Action-adventure Games Gotham Knight

Jim Gordon


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