A newFantastic Four MCU movie casting rumor has fans suspecting Marvel Studios may introduce a character who famously replaced the Human Torch on the team.
Ever since it was announced that Marvel Studios will reboot Fantastic Four and bring the extraordinary group to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there have been several reports about which unusual characters fans might see in the film. Now, viewers might get a look at the unique yet endearing character from the franchise.
According to industry insider Daniel Richtman, better known as DanielRPK on Twitter, the upcoming Fantastic Four MCU film is casting a voice actor. The insider stated that Marvel Studios is searching for a “male actor to voice a CGI character.” Although Richtman hasn’t mentioned the character, fans speculate that the casting might be for HERBIE, a robot that appeared in a Fantastic Four animated series. The character has been part of The Fantastic Four's story for a long time, even making appearances in recent comics.
Full Name
Humanoid Experimental Robot B-Type Integrated Electronics
First Appearance
The New Fantastic Four «A Monster Among Us» (1978)
First Appearance in the Comics
Fantastic Four #209 (August 1979)
Created by
Stan Lee (writer), Jack Kirby (Artist)
Ability to connect to any computer system, electricity generators, lasers, and various hidden tools and features.
HERBIE, also known as Humanoid Experimental Robot B-Type Integrated Electronics, has a unique past in the Marvel franchise. The character was created for The New Fantastic Four animated series in 1978 as a replacement for the character Human Torch, who couldn't be included because the rights to the latter character were separately secured for a solo movie that ultimately
Marvel Studios
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Fantastic Four
Movies & TV
Jack Kirby