Recently, it was announced that Inside Out will have a sequel, which had Pixar fans cheering as the 2015 movie is everything that fans want in this type of film: charming, heartfelt, warm and comforting, and above all, hilarious.
Inside Out 2 will be about teenage emotions and will focus on the same main character going through a tough time, which is welcome news considering how heartwarming and wonderful the first film is.
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Inside Out 2 will see Riley (voiced byKaitlyn Dias in the first film) as a teenager, and Amy Poehler explained to People that the story will focus on the feelings that adolescents experience. Poehler said, «We're going to have what it feels like to be a teenager, the new emotions that live inside a young person's brain. In many ways, it was really exciting. We knew exactly where we were. We go to the teen brain and we see the madness that lives inside there.»
Inside Out excels at sharing how Riley feels about everything that happens in her life, big and small, whether it's moving away from home and being scared of that big change or hating the fact that she has to eat broccoli for dinner. The fact that the sequel will focus on teenage emotions is welcome news as the young adult genre allows characters to experience a wide range of relatable and interesting feelings. Even teen horror TV shows see protagonists who are dealing with changes, hormones, dating issues, chaotic families, and trouble at school, so a funny and sweet animated film focused on a teenage Riley is going to be impressive.
One of the most memorable scenes from the original film is when young Riley is upset about losing a hockey game and Sadness shares what has
Inside Out 2
Inside Out
Amy Poehler